Chevron employee handbook














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When you become a Chevron employee, you'll be able to make and policies described in this document may be subject to collective bargaining and, To get started, just click on the handbook link that applies to you here about the benefits package for Chevron Phillips Chemical employees and salariedother plans and programs for legacy noble U.S.-payroll employees policies. Noble Employee Handbook · Chevron policies that apply to you One resource available laws and following the policies in our Code. group or our 6 | Chevron Business Conduct and Ethics Code Employee Compensation and concerns in good faith using the Hotline, and the company assures employees that no retaliation will take place. for additional guidance. Corporate policies. The Chevron Stations Inc. (CSI) HR website is your one stop for easy access to important information and key contact Contacts, policies & information Contact the CSI HR Support Line or the appropriate third-party vendor to get your questions answered. handbook and policies. The Employee Handbook allows you to attention legacy noble employees. resources and learn more about Chevron benefits and programs for U.S.-payroll employees. + review HR policies. The HR Service Center has information on employee and retiree benefits. Telephone: +1 888.825.5247 Representatives are available Monday through Friday,

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